Back in 1999, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my feet, knees and my hands. I took numerous medications to help ease my pain, but nothing was helping. Finally, I heard about a product that I could use that would help with the pain. At first I wasn't sure if it would work, but I thought that if I didn't take that chance then I would never know. I bought a bottle of Emu Oil and started using it several times a day. It was helping but the pain was still there. I bought another bottle of Emu
Oil but this time it was Power plus for pain. I started using it and within a matter of minutes I could see a change in my pain. Using Power Plus everyday, helps me function for several hours without pain. It doesn't cure the arthritis, but it helps with the pain. I use Power Plus every morning on my feet and my knees and it helps me do what I need to do for the day. I use it again two more times each day and at bedtime. I also use the Emu Oil everyday on my hands and face. It has helped me get rid of wrinkles around my eyes and on my forehead. I recommend Emu Oil Products to everyone. It works on so many different areas of the body. Since I started using Emu Oil Products, I can truthfully say that it does work and I will continue to use it. I have also recommended this product to others and they are very happy with the outcome.

Joyce Busbee

Bedford, Texas